Monday, November 19, 2012

Nano Day 19

It seems like almost yesterday it was October, but it's November. This month has flown by so fast, and now it's almost December. It's day 19 of NaNoWriMo, and these past 19 days have taught me something. Don't ever, ever, skip a day unless you plan to skip a day of classes to catch up, and even then you might not catch up.

50,000 words in a month is surely accomplish able  but it's not for the lazy people out there, or someone like me that has way too much going on to sit down an really take a whack at it. It's day 19 I should have 31,666 words, and sadly all I have to show for these last few weeks is 5,556 words. I'm well aware it's quite impossible for me to catch up now, unless I of course pull a few all nighters. I'd also have to stop bouncing around between projects, which is almost an impossible feat for me.

Though, as I think about how far behind I am I wonder am I the only one? Or is there more people that have struggled fitting Nano into their busy schedule. I am also curious as to if there are some very busy people out here that have found a few tricks to get the daily word count up to par.

I'm just rambling on now, so I guess this is where I'll end this post tonight. Or morning rather. I'm going to try writing as much tonight as I can, and see what I come up with.

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